We offer two half-day classes, Mondays-Thursdays, for 3 to 4 year-olds.
9:00-11:30am and 12:30-3:00pm
Additional weekly enrichment classes: music, drama, and taekwondo
The maximum classroom size is 10 students, and our teacher to student ratio is 1:10.
Our curriculum supports all areas of a child's development: physical, emotional, social, cognitive, math, arts, literacy, and languages.
We create individualized learning plans for each student, teach the skills they need in small groups, and track their progress throughout the year.
We are confident that your child will be prepared to succeed in kindergarten and later in their educational journey.
Sample Schedule
AM Session 9:00am - 11:30am:
9:00am: Arrival and Table Activities
9:30am: Circle Time and Large-Group Lesson; Weekly Enrichment Class
10:00am: Centers and Small Groups
10:45am: Recess
11:15am: Read-Aloud
11:30am: Dismissal
PM Session 12:30m - 3:00pm:
12:30pm: Arrival and Table Activities
1:00pm: Circle Time and Large-Group Lesson; Weekly Enrichment Class
1:30pm: Centers and Small Groups
2:15pm: Recess
2:45pm: Read-Aloud
3:00pm: Dismissal
language and literacy
What will we be learning?
Communication (listening and speaking)
Basic Vietnamese
How will we achieve these goals?
Activities that include letter games and the alphabet
Make deliberate marks on paper
Strengthen small muscles through lacing cards or stringing beads
Label or write our names on our activities
Listen and sing along to our favorite stories and songs
Engage in circle time
Introduce new vocabulary
Express self verbally
Incorporate Vietnamese through written, verbal, and auditory forms
What will we be learning?
Sizes and Shapes
Sorting and Grouping
How will we achieve these goals?
Count objects
Develop estimation games ie.“how many balls do you think is in this jar?”
Match different shapes and sizes
Sort items that belong together
Recognize patterns through manipulating objects
Understand day and night
Use key words such as “yesterday” “today” and “tomorrow”
What will we be learning?
Nature and the environment
Physical properties—motion, gravity, magnetics etc.
Scientific tools and resources
How will we achieve these goals?
Explore natural objects in the classroom—trees, rocks, shells, plants, dirt, etc.
Take care of a plant
Predict/observe weather patterns
Compare different properties—hot vs. cold, solid vs. liquid, heavy vs. light, etc.
Use tongs, magnifying glasses, science goggles, plastic pipets, and magnetic wands to explore
Use building blocks or class materials to investigate the properties of physics
What will we be learning?
Gross-motor skills—running, jumping, skipping, hopping, bouncing, etc.
Fine-motor skills—writing, using utensils, manipulating objects using fingers/hands
Physical activity
How will we achieve these goals?
Musical games
Explore different forms of exercise—stretching, yoga etc.
Play with balls, hoops, ropes
Color, draw, and paint
Practice writing and holding a writing instrument
Sensory play
Play outside
What will we be learning?
Stimulate creativity
Express ourselves through different forms
Strengthen imaginative play
Broaden our knowledge of different materials and tools
How will we achieve these goals?
Use a variety of different materials —clay, paint, markers, crayons, glue, etc.
Sing/dance—participation during circle time
Explore different musical instruments
Be able to differentiate between different types of music and rhythm
Interact in dramatic play area—kitchen, dress-up clothes, playing “house” , puppets
Role play with peers
What will we be learning?
Develop personal traits and characteristics
Develop a strong sense of our well-being
Taking turns, giving, and sharing
Offer and be receptive of emotional support
Understand how our actions affect others
Express feelings and emotions through communication
Practice problem-solving strategies
Take pride in completed work and projects
How will we achieve these goals?
Learn descriptive emotion vocabulary
Share our cultures and traditions with one another
Participate in group activities
Exposure to comfort and compassion, and modeling of problem-solving from a teacher