What's Happening at Learn-a-Lot Bilingual Preschool
February 2024
We are hitting our 100 days of school right around this week! I am so proud of all the progress we have made as a class as well as each student individually working towards their own goals. Thank you to all the parents who participated in parent conferences – it was great to catch up and get on the same page with your little learners.
The students are learning the letters at their own pace and this week we will be learning that vowels make more than one sound. Show and tell has been lots of fun and we have had some unique and creative items, please keep it up.
February is Dental Health Awareness month, Valentine’s day, as well as Lunar New Years. We will be doing projects revolving around those topics and continue with all our basic skills to get everyone ready and more prepared for the next grade level. It should also be noted that it will be our last month of class together – this is such a bittersweet time for me, but I know we will still be learning and growing together!
Valentine’s day is also coming up and your student is welcome to bring in a valentine for each of his/her classmates on Wednesday, February 14th. If you would like to send treats for the students to take home, please send them individually wrapped, and please do not put specific children names on them (you can put your student’s name so we know who the treats are coming from). There are 11 total students in class including your child. Please do not bring in anything that contains nuts and high allergen foods!
We have Mid-winter break coming up and there will be no school from Monday, 2/19 until Friday 2/23. Class will resume on Monday, February 26th. Tuition will be prorated for this month. Thank you.
I will have a small graduation ceremony for the kiddos on the last day of school. The church is allowing us to use their library space for the ceremony. It will be on Thursday, February 29th at 11:00am in the church library. I will be providing a bagel and pastries (with lots of coffee 😉) breakfast for everyone! Please plan on being there to celebrate your little one and their milestones that they have reached this year.
**Upcoming reminders:
February 19-23: Mid-Winter break – No school.
Ms. Helena